That's right In the Beginning is in paperback! It released yesterday April 1. Stop being bored and get your copy! Amazon Books a Million Barnes and Noble Sold at a variety of other online retailers worldwide!
Sneak peek! “Good afternoon. I work for Nox Pharmaceuticals and we have free packages we’re handing out. All it costs is allowing me to do a small demonstration.” His lips turned upwards into a smile. The thing about living in the country is we didn’t have a homeowners association and got solicitors from time to time. Usually I didn’t open the door. My mistake today. I hadn’t even looked through the peep hole, expecting to see my neighbor. I was ready to politely say “No, thank you” and shut the door, but I was curious. I’d never heard of any company selling drugs door to door. That was odd. “I’ve never heard of drugs pedaled door to door?” He smiled wider. “They’re not prescription drugs in here.” He held up a bag. “Allergy medications -- over the counter.” A little voice in my head reminded me of Ethan’s allergies, maybe they had something that worked better than his current medication. The package they were handing out was free. It really wouldn’t hurt anything to allow him in and I could always kick him out when he was done. There was no obligation to buy anything today. I relented. “My son has allergy problems. He’s ten.” “Safe for children,” he assured me. “Alright, alright come in.” He didn’t waste time showing me the products in his bag and giving me a sample kit that included a catalog. Sure enough, they did have allergy medication for children. I’d look into it further, maybe even ask the pediatrician before investing any money. I couldn’t shake the strange feeling and glint of something in his eyes that reminded me of... something I couldn’t remember. I shook the thought. As he shuffled around his bag, straightening it out to zip it up, he praised the home, how beautiful it was then asked about our view. We didn’t have company much. The occasional cook-out with friends and family but certainly not often enough. The scene from the deck was something I always enjoyed showing off so he hit a button and I decided it wouldn’t do any harm. He’d been polite enough and hadn’t tried to force a sale as so many others did. Erica was busy with her toys that were covering the floor where she played. I brought him through the kitchen. I wrapped my hand around the door knob when he said, “Emily.” I’d introduced myself as Mrs. Turnwell and hadn’t given him my first name. I was sure of that. How did he know? I slid my hand from the doorknob as his voice and my name echoed through my mind. Had the stalker found me? From the corner of my eye I spotted the rolling pin I’d left on the table this morning while putting the clean dishes away. I’d meant to put it away too but had forgotten it until now. I stepped backwards, figuring I could grab it, hit him over the head, grab Erica, and run to the neighbors. “Who are you?” I asked, doing my best to stay calm and not alert him. He smiled, but not the friendly one he’d given me earlier. This time it was sadistic and black flashed across the blue of his eyes. It triggered a fear in me that I hid deep, deep inside. Terror I’d all but forgotten. Flashes of lightning and thunder, creaks in the hallway, and hiding in a dark spot filled with shadows. “You remember, don’t you?” His voice calm. The perfect spring day became dark as recollection coiled in my brain. “I... I... don’t know.” It was bubbling in my head, rising to the surface of my consciousness. “Sure you do.” The flashes of black passed over his eyes like the clouds passed over the sun, obstructing its radiance. He moved closer to me and touched my arm, prickles chased up it and the overwhelming urge to vomit hit my stomach. My life rushed back to me. The darkness I’d all but forgotten. The evil that lurked in my earliest memories. ***** We arrived home late in the evening after spending the rest of the day enjoying quality time at Bouncy Kingdom. While the boys played, we talked about the house. I’d gotten used to Flash greeting us at the door and was taken back when he didn’t come running, but even dogs needed sleep. I ushered the boys upstairs and tucked them in, kissing each of their foreheads. They shared a room, the baby -- no longer Erin -- would have her own, but it would be nice if they all had their own, especially with Ethan eight years old now. “Night.” I flipped the light off, blew kisses, and closed the door, leaving it cracked so the hall nightlight could shine into their room. Eric sat on the couch, his brows creased into a V. I immediately recognized Eric’s trouble face. “Not again. No.” Panic bubbled in my gut, blackness sprung from the corners and glided toward me. He swallowed hard then cleared his throat. “It’s Flash.” Water puddled in the corner of my eyes. “What do you mean ‘Flash’?” “We’re making an offer on that house and then we’ll figure out how.” A steady stream of tears rolled down my cheeks. “What’s wrong with Flash?” I padded towards the kitchen. He shook his head, jumping off the couch to block my path. “No!” From the corner of my eye, I spotted a matt of hair covered in blood. Losing it completely I pummeled Eric’s chest with my fists. He pulled me to him and we walked to the couch. “What did the bastard do?” I asked, heat and fear rising in my voice. Copyright Elle Klass/ Books by Elle, Inc. 2019 I've put it all into one book! A starter set filled with your favorites, including new release Isandro. ![]() The pre-order price is only .99 USD! Release day May 22 the price will go up to 7.99 USD. Only available on Kindle. Wet your whistle with a taste of award winning author Elle Klass young adult fiction. There's something for everyone who can't get enough teenage heroines and heros, including new release Isandro Volume 1 of the hidden journals. Disclaimer: You may experience uncontrollable laughter, nail-biting and hair tugging as well as a desire to continue reading and even share with a friend or neighbor. What's Inside: Baby Girl - In the Beginning and Moonlighting in Paris Zombie Girl - Premonition and Infection The Bloodseekers - The Vampires Next Door hidden journals - Isandro With the ending of any series I was really sad their teenaged adventure was over. I adore these characters even though working with hormonal teens can be a lot of work, even fictional ones. Opal is the main character in the final book, although, there are plenty of shenanigans from the other Slayers and their witch "friends". Opal is really a pain. At times I wanted to slap sense into her but since she's fictional I couldn't. She's a bit spoiled and self-centered most of the time. so much for empathy. Opla wasn't what I expected when I started the series or the final book. But I had fun writing her too especially the banter between her and Davis. He's her younger brother whose still content playing with Lego's and toy cars but gets a good jab in on her from time to time. Here's an excerpt between them: Opal stuck a fresh strawberry in her mouth and smoothed jelly over her slice of rye toast. Her parents were all about eating healthy and if she wanted junk food she had to get it and eat it when she was at school, with her friends, or anywhere else than with her parents. She swallowed the strawberry and grabbed her green tea to keep it from spilling over as her brother dropped his bowl of shredded wheat onto the table. He shoveled a huge bite into his mouth and milk dribbled down his chin. “Gross!” she rolled her eyes. “Wipe your face,” said their mother as she took a seat with a white grapefruit, placing it on the table. “Mom. He’s disgusting.” Her mother’s passive aggressive attitude toward everything got on Opal’s nerves. The boy made a mess of everything. His room always looked like a train wreck. Her feet bore the scars from all the Legos and Hot Wheels she’d stepped on over the years. “He’s your brother. He’s not disgusting,” her mom said in a firm voice that she saved for Opal. “Whatever,” Opal mumbled. “I found this box with my stuff yesterday but I couldn’t find the key and I don’t think it’s mine.” Her mom’s brows lowered and her eyes narrowed. “You tried to open something that’s not yours?” Opal smiled. She’d gotten her attention. “Yeah.” “From your brother I might expect that as he still does things without knowing any better, but you know better. I’m disappointed,” said her mom in her scolding tone. “I’m right here!” said her brother, then slurped down the milk left in his bowl. “Yup,” replied Opal, ignoring the disgustingness of her brother. “Where is this box?” asked her mom. The chair scraped against the floor as her brother scooted it back and stood, leaving his bowl on the table. Opal cringed, as she’d be scolded if she caused any marks on the newly finished wood floor. “Davis! Put your bowl in the sink and don’t scoot the chairs against the floor like that,” Mom reprimanded. Opal’s lips curled in a satisfied smile as her brother grabbed his bowl and dropped it in the sink with a ting. Another: “Have you seen my dangly earrings?” Opal asked her mother who was busy emptying the dishwasher. “No, honey, I haven’t. They’re probably still packed. Did you check all your boxes?” “Yeah and they were in my jewelry box when I put it up the other night.” Opal blew a large puff of air from her cheeks and trekked up the stairs and towards Davis’ room. She pushed his door open. “Where are they, nerdface?” He glanced up at her, two toy trucks in his hand as he was getting ready to roll them down the mega ramp he’d put together out of car tracks and boxes. “What?” “You were in my room last night. Where are they?” She’d been nice to him last night because his sad puppy face reminded her of how cute he was when he was little. Now, he was back to uncute and aggravating. “I didn’t take anything from your room!” “You’re such a liar!” She slammed his door shut and stalked to her own room. She rummaged through everything again, not leaving a secret hiding spot or drawer unaccounted for. A tender moment: Another glowing teen the color of deep Topaz joined him. She was familiar too. It struck her she’d been with the glowstick teens, only she wasn’t glowing then. Davis walked towards them. No, Davis! No! she screamed inside her head. They weren’t taking her grotesque, annoying little brother. It all happened so fast. The glowing teen with the flopping hair spoke with her brother. What is he saying? The glowing boy’s eye, the only one not covered by hair, stared at her, followed by the glowing girl and finally her brother turned around. She slammed on the brakes, halting beside her brother, and grabbed his hand. “Is he yours?” asked the glowing boy. Opal nodded. “My brother. Thanks for finding him. We need to get home.” She tugged her brother’s hand as she turned on her heel, pulling him along. In the boy’s presence she felt peace, comfort, and a feeling of knowing him, but her instinct and safety of her brother took control. By herself, she may have talked longer to him, but she couldn’t risk her annoying little bro being kidnapped or worse. People weren’t always what they seemed. “Bye,” shouted Davis, practically running to keep step with Opal. “What the heck, nerdface? What are you doing out here?” Opal reprimanded. “You weren’t in your room or in the house,” he said in an innocent, scared voice. “Sure I was. Lucky I found you. Don’t you listen to Mom and Dad? Never talk to strangers or go lurking around strangers in the middle of the night. Who knows what they would have done to you.” She actually felt fear for him. He was disgusting and would slurp his cereal in the morning, not put the toilet lid down after peeing, and leave Legos and cars around the house for her to step on, but he was an innocent kid and her brother. “I’m sorry, Opal. I couldn’t find you and thought I saw you outside,” his little voice cracked and a tear dropped from his eye. She stopped walking and wrapped her arms around him. The back door of their house only a couple feet away. “It’s OK, but don’t do it again, nerdface.” The final book in The Bloodseekers is here in ebook for the pre-roder price of 0.99! The paperback coming soon.
The day Opal observes her boyfriend locking lips with a gorgeous blonde is the day her life goes to pot. People turn to ash before her eyes then her parents move the family into a creepy house left to them in a will from her great uncle. In the house objects start disappearing and a a sleek black creature saves her from a bolt of lightning meant to kill her. She feels her mind is sinking into insanity except everything seems so real and more absurd than the vampire shows she watches. She surmises her imagination must be defective. Meanwhile Nova -- the sorceress -- keeper of night magic and the mother of Bloodseekers is sinking Earth into a thick cloud covered darkness. Each day colder than the next and the Slayers still haven't found Agate the empath. Without her they can't destroy every Bloodseekers on Earth or stop the inky blackness from taking over and feeding Nova's night magic until the light is gone forever. Even the unique witches they have ties with can’t stop her without the seventh Slayer. Can the Slayers reunite all supernaturals and find Agate to defeat the dark forces and save humanity? Amazon All other major retailers Goodreads add it to your TBR list
Today I'm bringing you The Ruthless Storm Trilogy. It's a mystery/thriller decked to the hilt with suspense and plot twists that are mind-bending. The entire trilogy is now in audio!
Get the true audio experience by upgrading! Volume 1 Eye of the Storm: Eilida's Tragedy Kindle is FREE!! and available for whispersync Amazon Blurb: It’s a normal day for Sunshine as she takes the seat at her desk as receptionist at the Lyden Times until the tragedy of a young nameless woman floods the newsroom. Her head and body covered in bloody gashes and fresh bruises. Sunshine forms an immediate interest and digs into her life. After learning her identity, Eilida, she pokes around her hometown where she is mistaken for Eilida. Soon Sunshine’s world crashes. Everything she loved begins to fade. She trades in her skirts and heels for jeans and sneakers. A ghost avails itself to her and a man with eyes dark as coal stalks her dreams and waking nightmares. Her fiancé worries as he can’t wrap his mind around her transformation yet refuses to let go. Time ticks down as their wedding date approaches on the anniversary of a day that changed Eilida’s life forever. Volume 2 The Calm Before the Storm: Evan's Sins Kindle is only .99! and available for whispersync Amazon Blurb: The prequel to Eye of the Storm Eilida's Tragedy. Evan O’Conner isn’t a normal child. His father’s alcoholism and mother’s abuse drives him to concoct a plan to rid his life of them permanently. The night is fraught with a horrendous storm, thunder and lightning as the beast inside him is born. Even in her death his mother won’t leave. She haunts his subconscious as he attempts over and over to kill her. Evan meets his match when Officer Burkhlader enters the picture. One of her closest friends and his family fall victim to violent deaths during the worst hurricane Billows Hollow has ever seen. With only a sketch she learns the identity of the perpetrator and digs into his life, pries into his past – hunting him. Will she stop him? Or will somebody else? Volume 3 In the Midst of the Storm: Tommy's Deception. The Kindle is only 2.99! and available for whispersync Amazon Blurb: Tommy and Eilida meet again at Flashers. The local college bar. Their friendship develops quickly. Then a student is murdered in her dorm, another victim of the Hurricane Killer. The assailant is on the loose when Eilida’s apartment is broken into and she runs to Tommy for safety. She discovers his birthday is the one day that makes her soul cry but is it only a coincidence? The cards stack against him as she finds Tommy is hiding Astrological charts and Evan’s map, material that would have solidified a case against the Hurricane Killer. And Eilida discovers a ring that went missing the day she met Tommy at an astrology convention was present at Evan O’Conner’s murder scene. Did Tommy kill the monster? Or is he picking up where Evan left off? Will astrology give her answers? The nightmares of Eilida’s past rush forward and everything points toward Tommy. Don't pass them up! What would you do if you knew the apocalypse was coming but you didn't know when? Fourteen year old Maddie knows and has to decide what to do and how to save her family and best friend from becoming zombies. ![]() Read the book to find out how or if she solves the problem. Buy links Amazon Nook iBooks Kobo Blurb: Book 1 in the Zombiee Girl Trilogy only .99! Maddie’s parents flip when they find out she’s failing science. That’s her worst problem until she wakes up and finds they’re zombies. Now she must escape them and her house. With nowhere else to go, and the keys to her parents’ sailboat, she makes her getaway. Finding Bryce was a fortunate circumstance and the two take on zombies and set sail for parts unknown. This story was originally published as a short story in the Once Upon a Zombietale Anthology. A few changes have been made and chapters added. The Monster Upstairs Book 2 in the Bloodseeker Series (St. Augustine Novellas) will be released March 7! A mysterious, blinding white light, followed by a vision, haunts Mandy until something unthinkable happens. She comes home from school to find her mother badly injured. On instinct, through her tears, forces from within surge through her fingertips into her mother, giving her a second wind. She urges Mandy to take a note and leave, but she can't -- not yet. Her hot, dark-haired, muscle-bound neighbor, Joel, finds her and drags her crying towards the door. What awaits them on the other side sends them back into the house, where she learns Joel isn't who she thought. Her entire life gets turned upside down as her destiny sends her and Joel deep into the world of Bloodseekers and other supernatural creatures. #Thevampiresnextdoor or #TMU In the Midst of the Storm is the final book in the Ruthless Storm Trilogy and both main characters are in their 20s and the music flows throughout the story. Take a listen to some of the music. All songs are in the order they appear in the book. Each fits the story like a glove! Pre-order here. Volume 3 in the Ruthless Storm Trilogy is now ready for pre-order! To celebrate I have a few goodies for followers of the series and enticers for anyone who hasn't yet started the series. If you enjoy a good mystery slight horror filled series with edge of your seat nail-biting suspense this one you need to read. Grab In the Midst of the Storm Tommy's Deception pre-order on Amazon at the new release price of 2.99 USD.
Start the series free with Eye of the Storm Eilida's Tragedy at all retailers internationally! Go direct to my website page and choose your retailer. Audiobook links available there too and if you have the kindle already upgrade to audio for 1.99 USD or grab the kindle free then upgrade. One more goodie for you. Volume 2 The Calm Before the Storm Evan's Sins is marked down temporarily to .99 USD! Really! This is also available in audio. All links on the website page. The kindle can also be upgraded to audio for a deep discount. I'm an audiobook junkie and carefully chose the narrators for the series and they are top notch. For me the experience of listening to my own books on audio was a whole new experience. It made me look at the books as if I didn't write them. Happy reading/listening and feel free to share this post. |
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