![]() Evan meets his match when Officer Burkhalder enters the picture. One of her closest friends and his family fall victim to violent deaths during the worst hurricane Billows Hollow has ever seen. With only a sketch she learns the identity of the perpetrator and digs into his life, pries into his past – hunting him. Will she stop him? Or will somebody else? Trailer Buy Links: Amazon Amazon.co.uk Amazon.ca Amazon.com.au Smashwords Google Play Kobo Barnes and Noble iBooks Excerpt: Evan entered a wooden shed filled with yard equipment, tools and deck furniture the owners wanted locked away when the winds kicked and howled. He edged against the wall, sliding his body through a narrow gap between folded lawn chairs and cushions. Evan leaned his bulky torso against the slats, turned sideways and peered through the dirt caked window with binoculars at the surrounding neighborhood. A Ford Explorer parked several paces up the road caught his attention, someone sat inside it. He adjusted the binoculars and the driver’s auburn mane flooded his vision. When she reached towards something in the back seat he recognized her oval face and slender nose. “Carrot Top Cop,” he whispered. His first thought, she’d traded in her Billows Hollow badge for Fradenton but her casual T-shirt said otherwise. For the next couple hours he observed and waited. His mind curious, why is she here? When she crept out of the vehicle he used the opportunity to sneak towards it, pulling a black baseball cap over his head. The passenger side door unlocked, he opened it, studying the contents laying across the seat. A map, the street marked with a red X, and his family’s address scribbled next to the X. Beneath the map lay a sketch and a red pen. Without picking up the sketch he stared into the familiar face, his face. His mind zoomed backwards in time, attempting to piece together what evidence she might have. He shaved his body, used a condom, and kept hold of his knife. He left the girl alive. Did she talk? Impossible. She was too young. Then he remembered the girl from the bar. He left her alive too. He cringed at his immature mistakes. Impressed with Carrot Top Cop’s skills, he needed a good adversary. Burkhalder’s open soda filled the space of the driver’s seat cup holder. Evan dipped his hand into his front pocket, pulling out a small bottle. He squeezed three drops from the bottle into her drink. The crunching of footsteps walking towards the car startled him out of his thoughts. He eased the door closed and slid downward against the side of the SUV as Burkhalder hopped back into the driver’s seat. Then he edged his way around the vehicle, stopping by the passenger side back tire. His blade nestled between the waistband of his pants and his back. Evan needed to be sure she couldn’t follow him, his sleeping serum wouldn’t work fast enough. He jammed the tip of his blade into her tire and twisted. His heart threatening to jump out of his chest. Sweat beaded on his forehead as anger roiled inside him. He crouch-walked towards the closest bushes and used the oleanders for cover. Parting the pink flowers, he peered towards her vehicle, and regained control of his anger. His plans for the family ruined. He ran through the ungated yards until he came upon his nondescript silver CRV. He pulled his hat off and tossed it into the back seat as he drove, glimpsing a flash of red in his rear-view. Evan sniggered, knowing the more energy she exerted the faster her heart pumped forcing the drugs to circulate through her body at a quicker rate.
The bushes behind her SUV rustled, catching her attention. She grabbed her soda, gulping it down, her eyes fixated on the bush. Something glistened behind it, then a burst of black cloth. She readied her gun. Whoever it was ran through the yard. She cocked the door open, pushed her back against the vehicle, holding her gun with both hands towards the sky and slid alongside it. Her eyes darting from side to side. She jumped around the bush - empty. The cranking of an engine resonated inside her eardrums. A squall passed overhead, blowing tree branches and leaves, obscuring her vision. A small silver car pulled away from the road. At the sight, her legs pounded the earth, trying to get the plate number. Blinking through the heavy downpour, she attempted to read the license plate CL or CI, her vision blurred before she could read it. She bent forward, rested her hands on her knees, attempting to catch her breath. She lifted her head, still panting, her head dizzy. The trees and houses swirled through her mind and she collapsed to the ground. Rain pounding her body, small tree limbs whipping through the air. Author Bio: Elle Klass is the author of mystery, suspense, and contemporary fiction. Her works include As Snow Falls, Eye of the Storm Eilida’s Tragedy, and the Baby Girl series. Her work Eye of the Storm Eilida’s Tragedy is a Reader’s Favorite Fiction-Paranormal Finalist in the 2015 Reader’s Favorite Awards. She is a night-owl where her imagination feeds off shadows, and creaks in the attic. Visit her website at https://elleklass.weebly.com. Read Elle's interview with Whobeda, who has a guest spot in the novel when she does Evan's Natal Chart. A short lady with a bob strolled out of Ms. Renard’s room. Eilida looked at Sage, smiles plastered across their faces. “Our turn!” voiced a giddy Sage. Eilida took Sage’s hand and they marched into the room like two schoolgirls. No crystal balls or tarot cards, instead a full figured Patrice, her fiery hair curled just above her shoulders. But they weren’t there to see a gypsy and have their palms read. “Ms. Renard. It’s so wonderful to meet you. I follow your stuff.” As the words dropped from her mouth she felt stupid. Follow, she’s going to think I’m a stalker. Eilida and Sage talked with Patrice a few minutes. Her round figure reminded Eilida of her mother, warm red hair and confidence further eased Eilida’s nervous stomach. Once she had their dates, times and places of birth, she typed everything in and the computer generated their charts. Eilida’s flew off the printer first. Ms. Renard looked from it to Eilida then slid it to the side as she studied Sage’s. She laid it in front of them and explained the position of the planets and their meanings. Sage’s horoscope was filled with happiness, longevity, and success. When it came time for Eilida’s, she laid the natal chart on the table facing Eilida and sucked in her breath. Eilida’s eyes went directly to the blue triangle in the center. “We call this blue triangle a yod or the finger of god.” “What does it mean?” “A fated life, but let’s get through all of it before you decide what that means. This blue line ties Pluto in the 3rd house to the Sun in the eighth house. This implies that you crave powerful experiences and are attracted to the unfathomable. You commonly hide your interests, except from your closest friends and family. Uranus and Neptune in the fourth house indicate your home life, growing up may have been unstable in some way. You may be searching for an ideal home. The darkness in your eyes reveals the truth in these words.” “I love my family but I’ve always felt like an outsider except with my grandmother, umm… until she passed. Sage feels more like family than my parents sometimes.” Patrice’s bubbling personality spilled over. “At your age, most of us feel that way.” Eilida’s anxiety eased again as Patrice continued. “Mercury in Taurus and in the 8th house show you tend to be very methodical and have an interest in investigating the supernatural.” Eilida’s lips curled into a smile. Her interest in Astrology centered on her interest in the “otherworldly” “Pluto in Scorpio, the twelve year group you’re both part of, loves mystery and the macabre.” Both girls chuckled, they lived off zombie and suspense flicks. Patrice smiled, then her face grew stoic. “There is something in your past, maybe a natural disaster that changed the course of your life. It might be related in some way to the death of your grandmother.” Zombie-like, Eilida lifted her chart from the table and stood to leave. The dragonflies morphed into dragons breathing fire into her innards, aching to get free. As Eilida exited the door the chatter and noise in the convention center quieted as her mind focused on something in your past. What could possibly be in her past? Her parents were the most “normal” people she’d ever met and she had a picture perfect childhood, no siblings, everything she needed and most of what she wanted. Her parents and grandmother spoiled her. Yet a feeling she didn’t quite belong always lingered in the back of her mind, followed by a sinking feeling of dread in her belly. She turned and took a step back into the room, asking another question. “Is all the bad stuff in my past? Does my future look better?” “Here’s my card, feel free to call.” Eilida noted her solemn expression. Eilida lay in bed tossing and turning all night. Her mind a flutter of curiosity and fear, replaying Patrice’s words over and over, ‘a fated life… there is something in your past’. Her fascination of mystery drove her imagination. The man in her nightmares flashed in static against her fleshy brain. Light glittered from her pile of clothes on the floor. Her pendant! She reached down and clutched the pendant, cradling it in her hand. Peace bathed her body and she fell into a restful sleep. Follow Elle Blog website Goodreads Sign up for mailing list
When I plan a book I start with the plot and a basic outline for my characters. Once the plot gets going the characters personalities come forward. Eye of the Storm Eilida's Tragedy is a dark book charged with plot twists. Eilida is a 23 year old young woman who has a dark secret lurking inside her, and is completely unaware of it. It isn't until the final couple chapters that her deadly secret finds it's way into her conscious thought. A few weeks ago I posted Cleo's natal reading at the same time I also had Eilida's done. Eilida's gave both Marcha Fox- the reader and myself goosebumps. Hers shows something called a yod which indicates a fated life. Creepy, especially since I didn't plan Eilida's character, I let it develop throughout the story. Her birth date and place were already planned as an important piece of the plot. Below is Eilida's natal chart and reading. After you read this if you're seeing shadows in the corner, hearing strange sounds, or can't get the hair on your arms to lay down remember I warned you. To find out more about the benefits of having a reading done on your characters visit Marcha's blog. Should you be interested in a computerized natal chart they are available at Valkyrieastrology.com for $14.95. What you need is a date, place, time of birth, and/or biographical sketch. The more specific you are the more precise the natal chart will be. Calculated for: Daylight Savings Time, Time Zone 5 hours West Latitude: 35 N 32 24 Longitude: 75 W 28 24 Positions of Planets at Birth: Sun 15 Ari 49 Pluto 17 Sco 13 Moon 27 Leo 31 N. Node 14 Aqu 47 Mercury 2 Tau 38 Asc. 16 Vir 00 Venus 29 Aqu 29 MC 14 Gem 29 Mars 18 Aqu 45 2nd cusp 11 Lib 52 Jupiter 3 Can 18 3rd cusp 11 Sco 49 Saturn 24 Cap 39 5th cusp 17 Cap 23 Uranus 9 Cap 34 6th cusp 18 Aqu 16 Neptune 14 Cap 33 Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others Virgo Rising: Modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy, you are a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. You are quite humble in your own assessment of yourself and you have a very strong perfectionistic attitude, with a tendency to be overly self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often you will simply refuse to attempt something because you feel you cannot meet your own high standards. You have an eye for detail and get upset when something is not done just so, usually something others consider rather inconsequential or trivial. You are hard to please and your relationships with others may suffer because of this. You also have refined sensitivities and are very discriminating and particular in your choice of foods, clothes, friends, artwork, etc. Order in your environment is very important to you. You step into situations rather cautiously, and not without realistically assessing all of the risks and potential advantages involved. Unless something is a safe bet, you are unlikely to dive into it. You tend to underestimate your own capacities and to lack confidence and trust in life, which inhibits your spontaneity. Worrying is a bad habit of yours. On the other hand, you rarely fall flat on your face and what you do, you do very well. Others see you as a self-sufficient and rather self-contained person. You have a strong sense of propriety. Politeness, good manners, and correct behavior are important to you. Your clear, cool, objective and nonemotional attitude is apparent to others first, and though you are really quite helpful and caring, you do not radiate much sympathy so that others may not see the helpful side as readily. You may seem more businesslike and factual, and also more conservative, than you really are at heart. You are the person others might go to for technical advice or an unbiased opinion, but not for emotional support. You are keenly observant, intelligent, and have a great desire for learning and for self-improvement, but you are not especially ambitious and are often satisfied in a rather simple, unglamorous position in life. Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation Sun in Aries: You are a person who thrives on challenge, and you often feel that you must battle your way through life, depending upon no one and nothing but your own strength, intelligence, and courage. You believe in being totally honest, true to oneself and one's own vision and convictions, even if that means standing alone. Honesty, integrity, personal honor, and authenticity are your gods, and you have no sympathy for weakness of character in others. You crave the freedom to do things in your own way, and you work very well independently. Cooperating with others or carrying out another's will is not your style. You like to be the chief - or to go it alone. You love action and if others are settling down into a nice, comfortable little rut, then you are always ready to stir things up, do something new, make changes, bring in some fresh blood. Routine and sameness are like death to you. You are not afraid of trying something that's never been done before, and even though you may be seen as a fool sometimes, you also discover, invent, and initiate things that others will later emulate. Taking risks and following your own star are the breath of life for you, and you wilt (or get very frustrated and angry) if you cannot do this. You are spontaneous, impulsive, direct, enthusiastic, and assertive. You believe in the power of positive thinking and positive action, and you think of yourself as a strong person - even invincible. You hate being ill or in any way in a position of dependency. Accepting your own human limitations and emotional needs is often difficult for you. You are basically aggressive in your attitudes and have less facility in the receptive arts of relating to others, picking up subtle messages and nuances, listening, nurturing, and harmonizing. Often you are so fired up about your own projects or goals that you inadvertently run over or ignore other people's feelings and interests. Being receptive and appreciative of others' contributions, ideas, and feelings would go a long way in improving your relationships. Your impatience to get on with things causes you to be rather insensitive, and to therefore alienate others unnecessarily. You also frequently try to accomplish your ends by using anger or some version of a temper tantrum. You would gain much by learning to slow down, relax, and just let things be sometimes, but your energetic, restless nature rarely allows you to do this. Sun in 8th house: You crave intense experiences and are attracted to aspects of life that are strange, unfathomable, or taboo. You may hide your interests or inclinations, except from those who know you very intimately. You are rarely content with yourself and your life, and you have an inner urge to be continually going farther or deeper than you ever have before. You also have a strong interest in social power and the role that money and economics play in people's lives. Sun Square Neptune: You are extremely sensitive and imaginative, and you can get lost in your dreams, fantasies, and visions. You are attracted to artistic and creative pursuits, the world of color, beauty, and emotion. You are also drawn to mysticism and have deep spiritual aspirations and yearnings. Gentle and peace-loving, you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your way in the world. You are often impractical and may seek to avoid or escape the hard realities of life. Sun Sextile Mars: You are positive, vital, energetic, active, a go-getter. You enjoy competition, and your initiative and self-confidence make you a winner. Chapter 3: Mental Interests and Abilities Mercury in Taurus: Your mind operates in a very deliberate and methodical manner and you dislike being rushed or forced to give an opinion before you have thoroughly ruminated and digested an idea. You are also difficult to influence once your mind is made up. Though slower to grasp new concepts or learn new skills, you are patient and persevering and, in fact, often become quite adept at whatever you put your mind and hand to, for you are willing to devote much time and attention to it. You succeed not so much because of your mental brilliance, but because you have the ability to concentrate and follow a project through to its completion. You have an aptitude for singing or drawing. Mercury in 8th house: The mysterious and the unknown fascinate you and you may investigate the supernatural or something that is hidden or taboo. You need to know what is going on behind the scenes. You are also deeply curious about or astute about economic, political, or social power, big business, and the motives and powers behind the social facade. Mercury Sextile Venus: You appreciate aesthetics and have a fine sense of form, design, and beauty. You could develop great technical skill as an artist, designer, craftsman, or creative writer. You could also sell objects of beauty - artistic products, cosmetics, jewelry, etc. You have the ability to please and harmonize well with others and have a talent for assuaging strain in the relationship of two other people. Your sense of humor, tact, and personal charm are a great benefit to you in any work with people on a one-to-one level. Mercury Sextile Jupiter: You have an ongoing interest in learning and expanding your mental horizons. You enjoy traveling, philosophical discussions, and exchanging ideas with those of different experiences and viewpoints. Broad-minded and fair, you are well-suited to law, consulting, diplomatic relations, and also business. You learn quickly, and can pick up on a new idea or concept with relative ease. Chapter 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance Moon in Leo: Warm, loving, and generous in your affections, you inspire tremendous devotion and loyalty in your loved ones. This is good, since you would never settle for anything less! You want to be adored and worshipped like the king or queen that you feel you are, and it is difficult for anyone to resist the warmth and attention you lavish on those you care about. You have a great deal of pride and need to be recognized and appreciated. The way to really hurt your feelings is to ignore you. You are genuine, sincere, and have a strong sense of personal integrity. You hate emotional games and dishonesty. Moon in 12th house: Your own feelings and emotions are something of an enigma to you, and it is often difficult for you to share with others what you are feeling. You frequently withdraw from contact with the world, and need a healing, peaceful environment in order to blossom and come out of yourself. You identify with the oppressed, disenfranchised or underdog in any situation and want to help them or care for them in some way. Moon Opposition Venus: You have conflicting emotional desires and needs which complicate your personal life. You may feel that you cannot depend on your love partner to take care of you or perhaps you cannot decide what you really want in a love relationship: a parent or a lover. If your needs for emotional sustenance and love are not satisfied, overeating (especially sweets) can be a problem for you. Venus in Aquarius: You are open and unconventional in your attitude towards love, romance, and sex. You enjoy socializing, bringing people together, and having many friends of both sexes. You value friendship very highly and are, in fact, more comfortable being a friend than a lover. You desire an intellectual rapport or spiritual bond with your love partner, but deep intimacy and emotional bonding do not come easily to you. The role of "husband" or "wife" in the traditional sense doesn't appeal to you, and you abhor jealousy and possessiveness since you feel that no person truly "belongs" to another. You appreciate a love partner who will allow you plenty of freedom and is not very emotionally demanding. Venus in 6th house: When you care about someone, you like to serve them, doing small thoughtful favors, helping them, or doing something tangible to show your affection. You also have considerable artistic or creative skill and may sew or do other handiwork or crafts. In fact, you are suited for a profession involving beauty or pleasure or making people happy in some way. Venus Trine Jupiter: You appreciate beautiful surroundings and congenial company, and though you enjoy helping people, you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You are good-humored and generous at heart but inclined to be lazy. Chapter 5: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals Mars in Aquarius: You are very socially oriented and work well in cooperation with others. You may be active in community affairs or unite with others of similar ideals and intentions to work toward a common goal. Progressive and democratic, you are not concerned with hoarding personal power or having authority over others. You are a team player. New, unconventional methods appeal to you, especially ideas that involve bringing people together or creating fairer working conditions - such as networking, profit-sharing, job-sharing, etc. New technologies also interest you. Your energy level is high but somewhat erratic. You can be impatient, rebellious, and inconstant in pursuing your aims. Mars in 6th house: You expect to work hard for anything you accomplish and you have no patience for people who don't pull their own weight. Work is a passion for you at times, and you push yourself too hard. You can be too demanding of the people you work with also. If your energy is not invested in a job or career, you can become a fanatic about your health, and you may exercise or "work out" vigorously and perhaps excessively. Mars Square Pluto: You have a powerful will and when you want something, you pursue it passionately and relentlessly until you achieve it. You may be so driven by your desire that you lose all objectivity. You often become compulsive, even obsessed, with doing or achieving something, no matter what the costs or how hard you must work for it. Your forcefulness may be veiled or subtle, for often you do not reveal your real aims and intentions to others until they cross you. Intense power struggles and relationships with a strong dominance/submissiveness theme are likely. You have enormous energy reserves, and are capable of extraordinary effort and great achievement if you use your energies for constructive purposes. Chapter 6: Other Influences Jupiter in Cancer: You make others feel accepted and comfortable. You have a knack for breaking down feelings of alienation and you make others feel included and a part of group activities. You have a loving, protective side that wants to take care of everyone. Creating a supportive atmosphere that is nourishing both to yourself and to others is one of your strengths. Also, your home and heritage are important to you, and you maintain close connections to your past. Jupiter in 10th house: Your career or contribution to the world at large is likely to touch many people's lives in a very positive, helpful way. You aim high and have an innate confidence and trust both in your own abilities and in life in general, which enables you to go far. You want to do something BIG with your life, and you attract the support you need to do so, for your aims are not solely for your own personal benefit. You want to give something back to the world, or to improve others' lives as well as your own. Saturn in Capricorn: You have a great capacity for self-denial in the pursuit of a long-range goal. You are capable of hard work and persistent labor, but you may lack joyfulness and the ability to play. You often feel burdened by life's demands and responsibilities, and may envy those who seem to attract what they want in life without a great deal of personal effort. There is a very judgmental, stern, and uncompromising side of yourself which may inhibit you a great deal. You must avoid becoming heavy and cynical, or becoming a rather callous, sophisticated adult whose practicality and realism squeeze out the playful, imaginative side of life. Saturn in 5th house: It may be difficult for you to play spontaneously or just let your hair down, for you tend to inhibit that side of yourself by being too self-conscious and concerned with the impression you are making. You may work very hard at some sport or creative medium in order to excel, for you want very, very much to be noticed, acknowledged, and recognized as special in some way. Though you may indeed be outstanding, you also need to learn to relax and enjoy yourself more. Uranus in Capricorn: You are part of a 7 year group of people who are active in reforming businesses, governments, and other large social structures. A great deal of streamlining and reorganizing takes place, most of which will help to improve the well-being of people, the ultimate goal of these reforms. Your generation will promote various reforms that will vary in different nations. For example, some will increase socialization of public services and others will put more services in the hands of private industry. In either case, your generation strives for greater efficiency and a great deal of waste is eliminated from industry and government. Uranus in 4th house: Your childhood or your relationship with your parents was unsettling or unstable in some way, so that you may never have felt that you had firm ground beneath your feet. One of your parents may have been unusual, eccentric, or an inconstant influence in your life. Abrupt changes in location or in family relationships may have made you feel insecure, but positively you were given more freedom and less pressure to conform to conventions, which enables you to be more of an individual and less tethered to restrictive ideas of how one "should" behave, feel, or live. Uranus Conjunct Neptune: You were also born during a period that lasted approximately 5 years and is characterized by an unusually high degree of imagination and sensitivity. You are part of a group of people who are very inspired but also unstable. Many unusual contributions to the arts, music, religion, and psychic development are brought forth from your age group. These works are often strange and bizarre, and always original. Your age group also inspires intense political movements that are often fanatical or unreasonable in their goals. Neptune in Capricorn: You are part of a 14 year group of people who are conservative and traditional in spiritual aspirations and religious outlook. Your age group returns to some traditional basics in religion, and also traditional styles in music and art. Classical music and literature have a revival with your age group, and a great deal of inspiration is gained from the masters of arts, music, literature, and philosophy throughout history. Your age group is contemplative and reflective about religious matters and you take an objective and logical approach to religious issues. Many of you are cynics and critics of spiritual and metaphysical ideas. Other age groups criticize your group for not having enough heart and compassion. Sometimes this is true and is evidenced by some unusually crafty and manipulative fraud and deception that occurs in the higher ranks of governments and large businesses. Neptune in 4th house: Your childhood and early home life were colored by a great deal of confusion or by people with unusually active imaginations, aspirations, or fantasies. It is difficult for you to see your childhood and your relationship with your parents in a clear, realistic light. You may search for the ideal, loving home you wish you had, or believe you had, when you were a child. Finding inner peace and a sense of emotional security within yourself is important to you. Neptune Sextile Pluto: The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths. Pluto in Scorpio: You are part of a 12 year group of people who have a complex and deep emotional side. Your age group has a great fascination for the mysteries of life, and members of your age group will make extraordinary breakthroughs in the understanding of life processes; major advances in biological sciences will open up new technological possibilities. Intensive probing into genetic structure and cellular processes will accelerate genetic engineering into new vistas. Your generation also probes the mysteries of birth and death, and members of your age group will even develop laboratories for forging new understanding of what happens at birth and death. Other breakthroughs will be made in the understanding of animal behavior and sexual activity. Archeological studies will unearth vast new insights into the history of man, and the exploration of the ocean will receive a new impetus, spurred by unusual and interesting findings made at the bottom of the sea. Behind all of this work is the deep, probing, penetrating interest in the mysterious. There is a deep fascination with sex, power, and the occult as well. Hypnosis, karate, and other mental and physical training techniques are likely to be very popular with your age group. The love of mystery is also likely to bring a revival of mystery novels and movies; your age group will bring the macabre into current fashion and style. You are an emotionally complex group, and you can be prone to some very strange behavior. Intrigue and mystery are exciting to your age group, and hopefully this does not get the better of you, causing you to act in a cruel or grotesque manner. There is a chance that crime, violence, and emotional disturbance will be relatively high in your age group, but hopefully your interest in the mysterious, strange, grotesque, and macabre will not manifest in this way. Pluto in 3rd house: You have a probing, penetrating mind and are highly analytical and critical in your thinking. Work that involves research, investigating mysteries or hidden causes, or deep study and analysis suits you very well. You are also a convincing speaker, bringing others around to your own point of view by the intensity of your convictions. Sufficiently spooked? Happy Friday the 13th! http://elleklass.weebly.com/eye-of-the-storm-eilidas-tragedy.html Goodreads Book GiveawayEnter to win |
AuthorI don't think it's possible for creativity to be a negative thing. Archives
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